
Sri Ramakrishna tells of a man who was just about to cross a river when the teacher Bibhishana approached him, wrote a name on a piece of paper, fixed it to the man’s back and said:
‘Fear not. Your faith will help you to walk upon the waters. But the moment you lose your faith, you will drown.’
The man trusted Bibhishana and began to walk effortlessly across the waters. At one point, however, he had an immense desire to know what his teacher had written on the piece of paper fixed to his back.
He got hold of it and read what was written on it: ‘Oh God Rama, help this man to cross the river.’
‘Is that all?’ thought the man. ‘Who is this god Rama anyway?’
As soon as doubt entered his mind, he went under and was drowned.
Story Source : Paulo Coelho Blog
Image Source : Doubt
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