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Youth doesn't reason, it acts. The old man reasons and would like to make the others act in his place.” - Francis Picabia (1878-1953) French painter, and poet.

To Our Beloved Youth,

I may be about the same age as your moms, stable and accomplished, but I still worry about my future. Yes, my future… for my future includes my offspring and their children. It is an ultimate act of sacrifice that should go beyond a lifetime, a moral obligation that one will have to contend with for the sake of the next generation.

I must admit that there’s a sting in my heart every time I look at the present and see the gargantuan pile of rubbish that our generation will be passing on to yours. It had become too colossal that we have obstructed your ability to see and catch a glimpse of a promising future. I sometimes wonder if robbing a man of his dreams is as grave a sin as the act of stealing itself.

Today, we have created great hurdles that have gotten in the way of your tomorrow. I too ask myself if killing one’s hopes is no different than the act of committing murder. Surely you do not deserve this, and no one does. I feel an utter sense of remorse for the sins committed by my generation, and on behalf of them, I am asking for your forgiveness.

But if there still be one quality left for my generation to hang on to, it is FAITH. We shall plant all our seeds of faith in the youth of today to change the course of both your future, and ours. But we must all pull our acts together because the time is ripe. You will be the next leaders of this country and the only legacy that our generation can leave you at this point is a more lasting and solid foundation which your generation can build on.

I would like to ask you one final request though. As Election Day draws nearer, may I recommend this one presidential aspirant… the lone candidate whom I believe is capable of delivering us from the shackles of traditional politics to establish in us a brand-new style of leadership. If you want real change, then please take Gilberto “GIBO” Teodoro into account. Carefully dissect his platforms and observe the manner in which he conducts his campaigns. Believe me, you can be certain that he is the most qualified man to be called the President of the Republic of the Philippines.

I will leave you with one final word of advice: Be intelligent voters.

For the love of God and country, I remain.

Luzviminda Bagonggahasa

Your role does not end with the voting of your selected candidate. You must also remind him or her that once elected, he or she must work to fulfill campaign promises... With us working us a team, I have no doubt that the country will be on its path to progress soon.” - GIBO TEODORO, Gibo to Youth: Engage in “Positive Activism”


1)I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” - Benjamin Disraeli

Evardone had an interesting anecdote about the little-known Lakas presidential bet. He recalled that in 2008, Eastern Samar was hit by a strong typhoon that completely isolated the province. Even Air Force pilots were hesitant to fly in. But he was able to contact and tell Teodoro, also the NDCC chair, about their desperate situation there. The next day Teodoro arrived with military crew aboard a C-130 plane of relief goods that he himself piloted. But what the Eastern Samareรฑos cannot forget, said Evardone, was that Teodoro had momentarily left the wake of his late father, former SSS Administrator Gilberto Teodoro Sr., that day to come to their rescue.” - Political Tidbits (News Article) by Belinda Olivares-Cunanan, Philippine Daily Inquirer 11/24/2009

My campaign will remain to be positive because we need to inspire people, we need to encourage people. We need to help each other and lend a helping hand. It has to be positive because our battle cry is ‘Forward Philippines. “ - GIBO TEODORO

We have the authority to choose our destiny’s leader. Gibo is the man who will serve us, not the other way around. Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “A leader is a dealer in hope.” Gibo will not only inspire you to dream, he will also empower you to fulfill them.

2) The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.” - Theodore M. Hesburgh

Mr. Teodoro pointed out specific programs, specific goals and specific time lines to achieve such goals. He’s very articulate... we think he’s very good." – Alberto A. Lim, Makati Business Club (MBC) executive director

There is no simple solution to what we might call the Philippine malaise. Together, we need to devise a comprehensive plan that will magnify our strengths and diminish our weaknesses. We need to think and act strategically, ensuring the best possible future for our people. We live in a new century and a new world order. We cannot deal with the new realities using old mindsets, attacking new challenges with old ideas.” – GIBO TEODORO

Gibo is the only candidate who is both a visionary and achiever. He has the ability to transform his visions into reality with his practical and clear-cut solutions. Avoid aspirants who will make you dream impossible dreams yet give no concrete resolutions to back up their offers. Such delusional and cunning people are common during the election period.

3)Delegating work works, provided the one delegating works, too.” - Robert Half

"During relief operations for typhoons Frank and Ondoy, we saw how effective, methodical and hardworking a crisis manager Secretary Teodoro is." - Alfonso Uy, FFCCCII national president

Whoever wins this election will have to face the problems brought about by El Niรฑo, the need to continue rebuilding those devastated by typhoon Ondoy, and see what the situation will be after the elections, so it will really depend on the situation.” – GIBO TEODORO

A leader should be hard-working and focused, one who does not sleep on his job. How can you entrust an entire nation to someone lazy and who easily succumbs to fun, leisure, or pleasure? Surely, should Gibo win in the election, he will already be up and about and running around the entire country starting Day 1.

4)Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men -- the other 999 follow women.” - Groucho Marx

I believe in his principles, style of management, work ethics and moral values. I will do my very best to make sure that he will be the next president of our country.” - Mamburao MAYOR VOLTAIRE VILLAROSA.

"I believe that countries can be strong only if their primary institutions are strong. The most basic institution is the family. It is the unit of trust, responsibility and caring that makes possible communities that are supportive, productive and safe. The state must reinforce families and empower communities." – GIBO TEODORO

You can already estimate a good leader by how much he values his family; such is the case of Gibo. A person who gathers respect in his own backyard heaps greater adulation on the forefront.

5)Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” - Dwight Eisenhower

"That is EXTRAORDINARY LEADERSHIP— when you do something good without expecting public adulation in return," - National President ALFONSO UY, Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc.(FFCCCII)

Government must lead rather than merely administer; help our communities build up human and physical assets rather than consume resources. Our people’s trust in political leadership must be restored and their faith in the possibility of liberating government reinforced.” – GIBO TEODORO

Gibo is the only candidate who could stir up all our five senses. He enables us to see a brand-new horizon, hear the cries of our people, smell a fresh air of hope, touch the hearts of those who oppose us, and anticipate the sweet taste of victory. This is the reason why Gibo had motivated a great number of volunteers to join forces and rally behind him. They campaign hard free of charge, even investing their blood, sweat, and tears with the prospect of a better Philippines as their return of investment.

6) The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” – Jim Rohn

With Gibo, you can sleep well knowing that the government is in good hands.” - Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile

This is the moral compass by which my leadership will be guided.” – GIBO TEODORO

Need I say more? This is my summing-up of the man Gibo.

Gibo Official Website:

1 comment:

Babar Khan said...

"Youth doesn't reasons It acts" a very nice word the youth should understand.

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