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2010 Year End Note » Looking Back and Ending the Year Right

I got three pending blog posts in my to-do list mostly about Christmas, but holiday rush and excitement temporarily pulled me out from blogging. I’m thinking about posting it, but it’s already old-news because Christmas is over. So today I thought about posting a year-end recap instead. Also, I think it is the best time to write my thank-you notes.

This year has been a very good one at the least, and although I put aside some of my major plans, I intend to really pursue it next year.

On Blogging

Last September, I was inspired by other bloggers who are earning through their blog so I decided to have my own domain name and learn some basic SEO. I applied for an adsense account and earn $20.00 in four months. It’s not much, but at least I’m earning while having fun writing and sharing stuff. Writing more blog posts and taking SEO seriously will be on my goals for next year – it’s a must.

I want to thank my regular readers, thank you for reading my posts. Also I want to thank other bloggers for sharing their SEO expertise and experiences, you guys really inspire me. Thank you also for those who shared their comments, appreciation, suggestions and opinions on my posts, that makes this blog alive.

Ending the Year Right

I want to use my year-end as a time to reflect, learn and grow - this will prepare me for a positive New Year ahead. But in order to embrace the new I must release the old. An important part of preparing for a New Year is to review the past year--to release it--and to learn from it.

To get me started thinking over the past year, I listed 10 questions which I also want to share here: {My answers deleted}

1. What did I learn?
2. What did I accomplish?
3. What would I have done differently? Why?
4. What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?
5. What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.
6. What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? What was my greatest contribution?
7. What were the fun things I did? What were the things that were not fun?
8. What were my biggest challenges, roadblocks or difficulties?
9. How am I different this year than last?
10. For what am I particularly grateful?

To go where we wish to go and be whom we wish to be, we need to know where we are and who we are. An honest self-analysis is always helpful to gain clarity. As we end a year, it seems particularly fitting to devote some time to reflecting on the year past and where we find ourselves as the New Year dawns.

Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!



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