The Importance of Philippine Forests - #savetheforest - Forest is Life
This video shows you the importance of forests.
This video was produced by the Society of Filipino Foresters, Incorporated with the support of the Foundation. It was launched during the 2018 SFFI Conference in Palawan. #LetsGrowTogether
Getting to know the current status of Philippine Forests
Widespread logging is responsible for much of the historical forest loss in the Philippines. Despite efforts from both public and private sectors to protect and restore our forest lands, threats and challenges, like illegal logging, persist today.
Let us all work to prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of Philippine forests by supporting projects that protect, conserve, and restore Philippine forest lands.
Rainforestation Farming
Rainforestation Farming establishes tree farms using native trees, followed by the incorporation of agricultural crops (such as root crops and vegetables).
By prioritizing the use of pest-resistant and typhoon-resilient native trees, Rainforestation Farming makes local forests sustainable and diversified.
Native trees adapt better to the local setting, and are more likely to bring forests back to their original ecological integrity and protect native wildlife from extinction.
By improving forest ecological functions, as well as the income of farmers, RF offers a win-win reforestation situation for all.
Four reasons exotic trees don't work in reforestation efforts
For decades, exotic tree species, such as mahogany, gmelina, and mangium, have been introduced to our forests in restoration projects.
This effort has failed to restore the country’s forest ecosystem because it made native trees disappear in local forests. Instead, it has contributed indirectly to deforestation, landslides, and the drastic reduction of local biodiversity.
The Philippine forest is the centerpiece of its natural resource base and ecosystems. Forest lands are the main watersheds of rivers which provide water for irrigation, energy generation, industries, and households. It has been estimated that soil erosion and hydrological deterioration of these watersheds set the country back by about P6.7 billion per year in terms of losses in productivity and utility of infrastructures and off-site costs.
Philippine Forests At A Glance
Forests are among the most valuable natural resources in the Philippines. They provide a range of ecosystem services, ranging from the provision of food crops, livestock and fish to providing recreational experiences.
Forests and people are intertwined for development
“Forests and people are intertwined. Humans rely on forests for their basic needs: clean air, food, water, and raw materials for medicine, shelter and clothing.”
The forestry crisis in the philippines: nature, causes, and issues
The importance of forests cannot be underestimated.
We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change.
Video Source:
From: Forest Foundation Philippines
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Forest Foundation Philippines is a non-profit organization that provides grants to organizations that empower people to protect the forests.
Established in 2002, under two bilateral agreements between the governments of the United States of America and the Philippines, the Forest Foundation Philippines is a non-profit organization that provides grants to organizations that empower the people to protect the forests.
Since its inception, the Forest Foundation Philippines has supported over 450 projects which has improved the management of 1.5M hectares of forest lands, restored approximately 4,200 hectares of forests through the re-introduction of appropriate native species, established over 40 community-conserved areas and built over 60 community enterprises.
Today, the Forest Foundation Philippines’ work continues as the forests still face threats. Guided by the Forest Foundation Philippines Program Plan, 2017-2021, the Foundation has allocated around Php 480M to protect the country’s most critical forest landscapes: Sierra Madre, Palawan, Samar and Leyte, and Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental.
Here are some recommended quick reads on forests from JSTOR Daily
Explore more forest stories at: Ten Stories About Trees
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