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5 Things to Expect at Kadayawan Festival

Kadayawan Festival is a week-long celebration of life, thanksgiving, and unity in Davao City, Philippines. It is held every third week of August, and it is one of the most popular festivals in the country.

Here are 5 things you can expect at Kadayawan Festival:

1. Street dancing

Kadayawan: Street Dancing/Indak-Indak
Kadayawan: Street Dancing/Indak-Indak [Photo by: Snapstories]

The Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan is a colorful and lively street dancing competition that features performers from all over Davao City. The dancers wear traditional costumes and perform to upbeat music, and they always put on a great show.

2. Floral float parade

Kadayawan Festival floral float parade
Kadayawan Festival floral float parade [Photo from:]

The Kadayawan Float Parade is a procession of floats decorated with flowers, fruits, and vegetables. The floats are designed to represent the different cultures and traditions of Davao City, and they are always a sight to behold.

3. Cultural shows

Kadayawan Festival cultural show [Photo from Rappler]

There are many cultural shows held throughout Kadayawan Festival, featuring traditional dances, music, and performances from the different tribes of Davao City. These shows are a great way to learn about the rich culture of Davao.

4. Street parties

Kadayawan Festival street party [Photo from: Bria]

Kadayawan Festival is a time to party, and there are many street parties held throughout the city. These parties feature live music, dancing, food, and drinks, and they are a great way to let loose and have fun.

5. Shopping

Kadayawan Festival shopping [Photo by: DabawenyongLumad]

There are many great places to shop for souvenirs and gifts during Kadayawan Festival. You can find everything from traditional handicrafts to locally-made produce.If you're looking for a vibrant and exciting festival to experience, then Kadayawan Festival is definitely worth a visit. It's a celebration of everything that makes Davao City great, and it's sure to leave you with lasting memories.

Here are some additional tips for planning your trip to Kadayawan Festival:

  • The festival is held every third week of August, so plan your trip accordingly.
  • Book your accommodations early, as hotels tend to fill up quickly during Kadayawan Festival.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, as you'll be doing a lot of walking.
  • Bring sunscreen and a hat, as the weather can be hot and humid during the day.
  • Be prepared to bargain when shopping for souvenirs.
  • Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the festivities!

History of Kadawayan Festival

The festival originated from the thanksgiving rituals of the indigenous people of Davao. In the past, these tribes would gather at the foot of Mount Apo, the Philippines' highest mountain, to celebrate the abundance of crops. They would perform rituals to thank the nature gods, and they would display fruits, vegetables, flowers, and rice on their mats in front of their homes.

In the 1970s, Mayor Elias B. Lopez encouraged the different tribes of Davao to showcase their thanksgiving rituals to the public. This led to the creation of the Apo Duwaling Festival in 1986. The name "Apo Duwaling" is a combination of three natural wonders of Davao: Mount Apo, the durian fruit, and the waling-waling orchid.

In 1988, the festival was renamed to Kadayawan Festival. The name "Kadayawan" comes from the Mandaya word "madayaw," which means "beautiful" or "precious." The festival is now a celebration of the beauty, bounty, and diversity of Davao City.

Kadayawan Festival is a time for the people of Davao to come together and celebrate their shared culture and heritage. It is also a time to welcome visitors from all over the world. The festival features a variety of events, including street dancing, floral float parades, cultural shows, and street parties.

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