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Happy Summer Everyone!

Silhouette of Jumping Girl on Beach
If you are living in the tropics like me, you are definitely feeling the summer heat outside. It is so nice to feel the warming rays of sunshine and to truly know that summer is here. 

The schools will be quiet soon for the summer vacation and the heavy traffic jams in major streets in Manila will be lighter (hopefully) for a few months. 

Basket of colorful tropical fruits
This time of the year is not only for summer outings, it is also time for a refreshing halo-halo and summer tropical fruits!

Sand Writing yodisphere blog
For, which is becoming more of a travel blog, it’s just right to wish you a bright and memorable summer! I’m sure you have your summer travel plans already. 

Me? Well, I am excited for our upcoming climb at Mt. Pulag and maybe a quick trip back to my hometown in Mindoro.

I am so pleased to have such opportunity to travel and escape work and share my thoughts and adventures here. It is heartwarming to know that visitors here find some of my posts useful – so thank you dear visitors for the positive feedback! 

There are still lots of pending travel articles on my drafts folder and 1,000+ photos on my mobile phone, so watch out for that. 

Hopefully I could spend lots of writing time this summer.

Well that's it. I just posted this quick note to send my summer greetings. 

Happy Summer Everyone! 

Any exciting plans this summer? 

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