15 Tips On Travelling Solo [Single Travel] VIDEO
Travelling solo can be one of the most exciting, liberating and eye-opening experiences, no matter your age. It offers ample opportunity for self-reflection and growth and boundless freedom. It can also be daunting, especially if you’ve never travelled solo before. With that in mind, Lonely Planet reached out to our online community on Thorn Tree, Twitter and Facebook to compile a list of top solo travel tips from seasoned wanderers and wayfarers who have navigated their own paths across the world.
More Details on this Link: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/20-tips-for-travelling-solo
1. Safety first - One of the top concerns for people planning a solo trip
2. Learn the local language - Learning a handful of phrases in the native tongue can make a huge difference
3. Talk to the locals - Stray from the usual path and side-step the tourist spots
4. Look for shared housing options- Be open to shared accommodation options.
5. Go your own way - Pick a trip tailored to your unique personality and interests.
6. Challenge yourself - Find ways to keep yourself entertained and curious.
7. Experience it all - Solo travellers around the world can take part in countless unique experiences
8. Believe in yourself - Solo travel can be challenging, but the rewards make it all worth it.
9. Try Couchsurfing - Another popular choice with seasoned solo travellers is Couchsurfing
10. Take your time - Solo travel means ultimate freedom, embrace it!
11. Be your own photographer - Solo travel is a photography enthusiasts' dream.
12. Get lost - Having the confidence to just wander around can lead to some of the best stories.
13. Join a tour - A longer package group holiday suits many solo travellers
14. Ask for advice - Now social media means it’s easier than ever to ask locals.
15. Embrace total freedom - Solo travel allows you to be whoever you want to be. Dive into the experience, trust yourself.
Why Travel Alone? - Single Travel: Tips for Going Solo
Solo travel can be the ultimate in self-indulgence; you can rest when you want and pour it on when you’re feeling ambitious. Another benefit is that your mistakes are your own, and your triumphs all the more exciting. There’s no worrying that your insistence on trekking all the way across town to a museum that was closed ruined your partner’s day; it’s your own day to salvage or chalk up to a learning experience.
Also, you can do exactly what you want to do—all the time. Always wanted to try surfing? Sign up for a class and go for it; there’s no one sitting on the beach bored while you have the time of your life. Have no desire to see Niagara Falls? Just drive right by.
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