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Serology Test - Seafarers Travelling to China - New Requirements

Please see the following updates.

Please be informed of the following enhanced pre-departure testing requirements for COVID-19 that apply to all travellers (including seafarers) entering China with effect from 8-Nov 2020.

  1. PCR test with negative result,
  2. Additional IgM serology test with negative result, and
  3. Reduced validity period of test results from 3 days to 2 days for both PCR and IgM tests
    • Day of test =  Day 0 (e.g. for tests done on 6-Nov 0600h, the last flight traveller can take is 8-Nov 2359h)


Please refer to this link for further details:

Crew travelling to China shall comply with the above requirements. 

The serology test will be available at MSP Level 2 and both the PCR and Serology test can be conducted concurrently. Agents may also arrange for a doctor to board the vessel to conduct the PCR and Serology tests without requiring the crew to disembark from the vessel.


For those who choose to undergo the tests at MSP, the crew will disembark from vessel following MPA's, ICA's and NEA PHO's no objection, clear immigration check point and proceed directly to MSP Level 2. Upon completion of the tests, the crew shall return back to ship and remain onboard until the results are out. Please note that the crew is not allowed to go to MPA designated holding facility as this is not considered a sign-off yet.


The serology test at MSP is only available daily from 12am to 7am.

If both the PCR and serology test results are negative, agent shall submit the following document to seek for the Final no objection for the crew to sign off.

  • Fit to travel issued not more than 24 hours prior to disembarkation from vessel for sign-off
  • Confirmed E ticket
  • Chinese Embassy  issued HS code.


Crew without the Chinese Embassy  issued HS code will not be allowed to sign off.


Owner/agent shall plan the crew repatriation carefully and adhere to the2 days' time frame between test and departure flight. As an illustration, crew who are travelling to China on 15 Nov at any time must undergo the PCR and serology tests (i.e. samples taken) at any time on 13 Nov for the tests to be valid. It is advisable that agents book the earliest available slot to ensure enough time to obtain the HS code.





Kelton Lim  ▪ Senior Marine Surveyor   ▪ Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) ▪ DID: (65) 6375 1908 ▪ Fax: (65) 6375 6231  ▪



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